Adams Garden of Eatin
472 County Road 20 West, Kingsville
instagram.com/adamsgardenofeatinkingsvilleAdams Garden of Eatin' is a family run farm, we either grow the produce ourselves or know where it comes from within Essex County.

Kranicz Orchards & Windmill Ridge
1040 Ridge Rd, Harrow
226-246-4120 facebook.com/KraniczOrchardsDiscover Kranicz Orchards, family owned since 1977. Indulge in quality peaches and more. Experience our orchard in every sip with Windmill Ridge’s craft brews, meticulously crafted from the freshest of fruits. Available at our fruit stand!

Simpson Orchards
237 Road 5, Leamington
519-326-9459 simpsonorchards.caOpen year round. Over 30 varieties of apples, peaches, pears, cherries, plums, apricots, melons, sweet potatoes, squash and more! Find us on Facebook.

Durocher’s Petite Cote Produce
2399 Front Road (Corner of Front St. and Victory Rd.), LaSalle
519-734-8417Homegrown vegetables: specializing in sweet corn, green and yellow beans, beets, carrots and field tomatoes. Locally grown peaches, apples and potatoes also available. Phone orders available. Open weekends 12pm - 5pm