Melegs Lakeview Orchard
166 Arner Townline (Cty Rd 23), Kingsville
519-733-4857 melegsorchard.comU-Pick & ready picked berries & apples. In our farm market - apple cider, cider vinegar, honey, doughnuts, pies, jams, fruits and vegetables. Corn maze. Check website or Facebook page for availability and picking dates.

The Fruit Wagon
793 County Road 50 East, Harrow
519-738-4819 thefruitwagon.comFollow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. Ready-picked quality fruits, vegetables, herbs, and flowers in season on our self-serve wagon or at local markets. Homemade original or infused apple cider vinegars available year-round. Cash or e-transfer.

Pretli’s Green Acre Farm
150 County Rd 34 E, Cottam
519-839-4478 soundboxxx.com/PGAFVariety of fruit, and vegetables picked fresh daily. Baked goods and preserves for personal use or gifts. Like us on Facebook!

George Whaley and Sons
1903 Road 5 East, Ruthven
519-326-9330Fresh homegrown fruit- apples, peaches, nectarines, pears and blueberries. Debit available.

Sunrise Farms
2190 Seacliff Drive W, Kingsville
519-326-5813 facebook.com/sunrisefarmsltdSunrise Farms Ltd. Is a local family business that has been around for 3 generations. We strive for fresh local and home grown produce. We have 35 acres of apples as well as 7 and a half acres of greenhouse tomatoes and very large gardens full of a variety of different vegetables. We also offer a large selection of pickled items, gourmet spices, flavoured vinegar and oils, real maple syrup and Picard's Original Peanuts.