Green Heart Farms
McCain Side Road, North of Road 2 West, Kingsville
519.712.9329 greenheartkitchen.ca/green-heart-farmsEveryone wants to feel good about their food, that’s why a lot of the plants and veggies we sell are grown right here on our farm in Kingsville. We go the extra mile to grow premium quality carrots, tomatoes, lettuce, broccoli and spinach in our high quality, dense soil.

Simpson Orchards
237 Road 5, Leamington
519-326-9459 simpsonorchards.caOpen year round. Over 30 varieties of apples, peaches, pears, cherries, plums, apricots, melons, sweet potatoes, squash and more! Find us on Facebook.

Raymont’s Berries
445 County Road 14, Cottam
519-839-54224th generation family farm specializing in growing delicious, flavourful strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and blueberries. We also have available a variety of other locally grown fruits and vegetables.

Pretli’s Green Acre Farm
150 County Rd 34 E, Cottam
519-839-4478 soundboxxx.com/PGAFVariety of fruit, and vegetables picked fresh daily. Baked goods and preserves for personal use or gifts. Like us on Facebook!